tommaso tani, LL.M. 1
['tom-ma-so] n.m.
synonym: ttan_
antonyms: tomasso
1. Assistant General Counsel, Privacy & Security at Nike, former Tata Consultancy Services.
2. LL.M. at University of Leiden (NL), Law and Digital Technologies, privacy researcher.
3. Passionate about journalism, collaborator at International Journalism Festival and ValigiaBlu.
4. National basketball referee for NBB, (once) marathon runner, rugby lover and decent cook.
Est. 1988. Born and raised in L'Aquila (IT), moved to Bologna for law studies (thesis on Communication and Right to be Forgotten) and law firm experience. LL.M. in Law and Digital Technology at Leiden University in August 2017. From 2022 in Nike.
He authored:
- Legal Responsibility for False News, Journal of International Media & Entertainment Law (Vol. 8, No. 2, 2019-2020)
He coauthored:
- De bescherming van persoonsgegevens - Acht Europese landen vergeleken (The protection of personal data - Eight European countries compared, in Dutch), ISBN 9789012400862
- A comparison of data protection legislation and policies across the EU, Computer Law & Security Review: The International Journal of Technology Law and Practice (2017), doi: 10.1016/j.clsr.2017.09.001
- EU Personal Data Protection in Policy and Practice, TMC Asser Press Springer (2019), doi:, ISBN 978-94-6265-281-1
You can find him LinkedIn.